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Let Our Light Shine Forth

Delta Phi Lambda is an Asian-Interest sorority at Georgia State University. Our purpose is to promote multiculturalism with an emphasis on Asian awareness, to reach out to the community as a whole, and to embrace fellow collegiate women into a nurturing environment.


We hope to expand our sisterhood on a larger scale to create a support system of sisterhood across the United States. By doing so, sisters would be able to find other sisters no matter where their plans may take them. Moreover, having additional chapters nationally will help sisters better adjust to their new environment should their plans take them to greater things in life.


We hope to develop well-rounded individuals by both nurturing our natural talents, as well as by helping each other strengthen our weakness. By accomplishing these two tasks, we feel that our members are better prepared to walk into the real world with confidence.


Delta Phi Lambda provides a once in a lifetime experience that exhibits our unique sisterhood, community involvement, preparedness for the real world, and tremendous leadership.

Introducing our Spring 2024 Alpha Kappa Class!

The Glowing Gamma Chapter is proud to introduce our Spring 2024 Alpha Kappa Class, lead by Momma Tahnayah 'Opallirius' Moore and Poppa Diana 'Èdremairie' Loek

#135 Amy 'Aurôliué' Nguyen

 #136 Margie 'Narhálene' Stricklin

#137 Persephone 'Ayaríah' Ocampo

DFL Brand Mark - Black.png

Copyright © 2024 Gamma Chapter Delta Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc. 

Last Updated: January 2023

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